
Community members can report Title IX concerns by clicking the "提交报告" link below or by contacting any of the staff members listed on the links provided below.


在提交报告之后, 第九条协调员, 或副官, will contact the reporting party to provide resources and discuss possible next steps. 


使用这个 流程图 to see what happens after you make a report. 


Deputy Coordinators assist 第九条协调员 in providing resources and support to students, 教师, and staff that are experiencing an Title IX related incident. 

Not ready to file a report, but still looking for some support? 

A Confidential Resource may be the perfect avenue for you! A confidential resource means that information shared is protected by federal and state laws and cannot be shared without your explicit permission. Speaking with a confidential resource can help an individual process the event that occurred and figure out what their next step should be without having a report submitted to the university. Use the drop down below for a list of RWU specific confidential resources. 

Any person who reports that they are a victim of sexual harassment has the right to confidential support on and off campus. The following lists include confidential resources.


  • RWU Center for Counseling and Student Development (2nd floor):
  • RWU 卫生服务, Center for Student Development (2nd floor):

Off-Campus Confidential Resources

  • Day One (formerly RI Rape Crisis):
  • Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) crisis hotline:
    800 - 656的希望
  • Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) online hotline:

Dating and domestic violence services (including criminal justice and protective order advocacy, 应急避难所, 临时住所, 安全计划, 咨询, education and/or policy) are available at the following member agencies of the RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence: